Archive for January, 2012


Digit. Digital. Digitally. Digitization.
I always thought that was a fun word to say.

In the sense of its meaning, digitization kind of freaks me out but at the same time, its in our everyday lives so all I can do is sit back and watch, and see how things go from there.  And so far, I’ve seen some giant leaps in the digital world.
What I meant to say is that technology exploded! There are so many cool gadgets and entertainment devices that are coming out these days.  And their releases have been coming out at a faster and faster rate as time goes by.

We are so dependent on electronics and computers that we don’t even know it.  We go about our everyday lives as we utilize these cool, new gadgets and electronics.
The human race has been so immersed in digital technology that the human brain itself is not being exercised.  In class, we talked about how the digital world is like the human brain, in terms of storing, sending and receiving information through systems of codes. Nowadays there are technology that do things for the person.  For example, a self-parallel parking car and the guidance of a GPS system.  This does not allow the stimulation of the one organ that makes us human.  Its cool how the memory system of computers in similar to that of a brain, but I don’t want computers replacing the human brain.
Studies have been done to see how the way we live today is affecting the human brain.
Here is a link that explains it much better.